Frank the Astronaut
The ever-growing project
Frank is one of my favourite things to draw,
this was birthed as an idea, something silly.
A comic reflecting the awkwardness of everyday's life
in the eyes of someone who would rather be away from everyone.
Sorry for the quality, the original file for the first
Frank ever got lost when my hard drive exploded (not literally).

This was the first ever Frank, a character that dislikes his environment, just like us.
Frank continued being a source of inspiration,
drained out of real life experiences.
And so, this became my baby, my hobby.
Everything in Frank is handmade,
so the astronaut is drawn from ZERO
every time I start a new one.
There is no type used in Frank,
every single letter you see is hand-drawned.

This are few of the 16 I've published by now.
I like to put easter eggs in my drawings,
so at least once in every publication
there's a Uroboros, or several.
The message in the screen changes every time,
t can be something funny or something clever,
depends on the content.
Frank is also based on real life events...
so here's an example.

Blackhole photography
As a way to engage with the followers of this simple proposal, I've come up with this wallpapers for our phones, you are welcome to download them if you want to.

So this is it, this is Frank, if you want to keep up with it, you can follow me on instragram as @soy_elbarbas and/or subscribe to my webtoon page (I just started this one)
-Brutal Blessings